Ask the Art Professor: How do you sell your art?

This was a helpful article for fine artists on selling their work.

Clara Lieu

"Control" Exhibition

“How do you sell your art?”

There is now a multitude of options for selling your art, many more than existed a few decades ago thanks to the Internet. You have to troubleshoot which venue is most appropriate for you and your work, as different venues will provide different results. My suggestion would be to experiment with different venues and see what works and what doesn’t.

A large factor of selling art is marketing and promotion.  I’ve seen artists with mediocre work doing extremely well because their work was aggressively promoted the right way.  I’ve also seen some really wonderful artists who haven’t done as well because their work wasn’t marketed appropriately.

Below I list the main venues and opportunities for selling your work. Some of the venues below have a highly selective screening process, while others are open to anyone.

Clara Lieu

1) Selling online
Now with sites like Etsy and

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A Kabillion Ways to Find Freelance Graphic Design Clients

A Kabillion Ways to Find Freelance Graphic Design Clients

I am going to officially launch my graphic design business in the next few months. (My husband and I are buying a house right now, so that’s taking priority over my time.) However, I will soon have an abundance of free time to work on my website and business and I needed a place to start. So I went to my long-time friend, Google, and asked for some help. I found this awesome website that has a list of more than enough ways to find clients. If I were to do half of these things, I would have more work than I’d know what to do with. So if you are just starting out like me or if you are in a rut and don’t know where to go from here, check out this list! 

Happy Designing!!!