Iain Heath created these Lego models as a tribute to master animator and storyteller Hayao Miyazaki. If you are a Miyazaki fan, you will recognize the characters & movies:

Totoro Satsuki and Mei legos by Ochre Jelly

My Neighbor Totoro

Arietty in legos by Ochre Jelly

The Secret World of Arrietty

Ponyo chase scene in legos by Ochre Jelly


Spirited Away in legos by Ochre Jelly

Spirited Away

Castle in the Sky legos by Ochre Jelly

Castle in the Sky

Kiki's Delivery Service in legos by Ochre Jelly

Kiki’s Delivery Service

See many more of his amazing Lego creations (including more Miyazaki) on Flickr and on his blog, The Living Brick.

My Neighbor Totoro is one of my all time favorite movies. I wrote about a funny Totoro craft a long time ago here, and if you’re looking for a wide range of Totoro crafts, try Craftster.

Happy weekend to you!

All images: Iain Heath/Ochre Jelly

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How rich are you?

First of all, how rich are you? Check out this site and find out how you compare on a global scale not just compared to the Joneses next door.
No Really, How Rich Are You? Find Out.

American Society, your children are whining for toys and candy in Walmart. This is a stark contrast to the children that I’ve observed in much poorer countries: (i.e. Cambodia). I’ve visited 14 other countries as well and I have yet to see children as misbehaved as I do in America. I will venture a guess that the way children behave in public is a reflection of how the adults behave in private. (Are you selfish. Do you frequently talk about the things you wish you could have? Are you angry when other people have bigger TVs than you? Your children pick up on this). I’m not saying that well behaved children aren’t out there, and I’m not saying that it isn’t the worst behaved children that catch my eye either. What I am saying is teach your children to appreciate what they do have. You, yourselves, appreciate what you have. Most likely you are in the top 10% in the world. Take the quiz and find out. Also, check out these happy children below, none of them have air-conditioning, some don’t have parents (these were taken in an orphanage), and one of them doesn’t even have a house (he’s living on that boat).

Be the Hero: A Super Website Design

Purposed website and first pamphlet in a series for an anti-bullying campaign for children and early teens. These pocket sized pamphlets are a small square so that the kids can put it in their pockets without drawing attention to the fact that they are asking for help about bullying. The website and pamphlet are designed around a super hero theme.